Early Object Slow Looking Club #5
Some Objects that Neanderthalians Brought Into Their Caves
Thursday, October 29, 7 p.m. Central
Some Objects that Neanderthalians Brought Into Their Caves
Thursday, October 29, 7 p.m. Central

Todd Gilens works in landscape and art, developing temporary projects for unusual sites and clients. He has created projects for transit systems, botanical gardens, arts and con-ference centers, abandoned factories and wilderness areas among others. Current projects explore the social and ecological dynamics of water and forests, especially in and around the Sierra Nevada of California. His work has been acknowledged through residencies, commissions and grants, including from Dumbarton Oaks Library, the National Forest Foundation, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Zellerbach, Warhol and Adobe Foundations. Todd holds a master’s degree in landscape architecture and his website is www.toddgilens.com