Early Object Slow Looking Club #1
Nayarit House Model
Sylvia Faichney, Facilitator
Wednesday 7/29 at 7 pm Central on Zoom
Nayarit House Model
Sylvia Faichney, Facilitator
Wednesday 7/29 at 7 pm Central on Zoom

For the first Slow Looking session, Sylvia Faichney will be our guide for looking at a ceramic house model, crafted between 100 B.C.
- 200 A.D. by the ancient Nayarit peoples. During this slow looking session we will be admiring the formal qualities and details of the house model. However, to add texture or our looking, Sylvia will introduce similar artifacts crafted from other ancient cultures, hoping that by considering the differences and similarities viewers will be enticed to ponder the possibilities of representing and manufacturing social architecture.
As a Slow Art Day host and enthusiast, Sylvia Faichney deeply advocates for the benefits of looking longer, looking again, and allowing more space in the pursuit of discovery. She believes the benefits include: increased curiosity, a more perceptive visual analysis, and a calmer disposition. As a writer, researcher and aspiring architectural historian on period(s) very far away from the ancient Nayarits, she has passion for considering the possible cultural and social aspects of mediated architecture. On sunny days she can be found in her neighborhood park, most likely distracted from her book by a dog passing by.