lee jin is a first-generation Asian-American emerging artist born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1993. He received a Bachelor of Design in Architecture from the University of Minnesota in 2018 and has worked in design since 2015. Clients and projects include Placebo Records, Trylon Cinema, Weisman Art Museum, Deoli Collective, FPA, and Weird Worlds.
Hello everyone, my name is lee jin. I'm excited to share new works via Pancake House with you all this August. Look forward to visual pieces examining & deconstructing the current state of systems in America in the context of Covid-19.
Photo by Calli Oliverius, 2018
Post #1: Decentralize Food
Post #2: Violence Architecture
Post #3: The Medium is the Message: A Chemical Warfare Agent Dressed in Civilian Clothes
Post #4: American Mythless